“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6

What makes Covenant Christian Academy unique?

  • CCA belongs to God alone.

  • Independant and non-denominational.

  • Loving and nurturing environment.

  • Christian Education available K- 12.

  • Small student to teacher ratio.

  • Partners with parents in the education of their children.

  • STEM Activities.

  • Classical Literature.

  • Biblical Worldview and Christ-centered Christian Atmosphere.

  • Hands-On Science Activities.

  • Bible Classes, History, Geography, and French.

  • Community Outreach.

  • Personalized Attention.

  • Daily Praise and Worship.

  • Weekly Chapel with Local Guest Speakers.

  • Shop Class and Theater.